
Welcome to the Astronomy Education Journal

Published in Sweden • ISSN: 2004-2981

AEJ was founded by Urban Eriksson and the late Paulo S. Bretones, following the inaugural AstroEdu Conference in 2019, Garching at the ESO Supernova. This journal is a continuing legacy of Paulo's enthusiasm and committment to Astronomy Education and Research for many decades.

AEJ aims to meet the needs of the astronomy education community by providing a location for all manner of practical, newsworthy and scholarly publications involving developments in the field. In a sense, the journal tries to capture the original spirit whilst taking on board the important lessons from the, now out-of-print, Astronomy Education Review. By focusing on building community collaboration, disseminating important news and opinions, while also maintaining a section on more formal, technical, Astronomy Education Research (AER). This research section intends to compliment the current scholarly discipline-based work undertaken by Latin-American Journal of Astronomy Education (RELEA), the Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (JAESE) and, recently, the acceptance of AER articles into Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER).

There will also be a less formal, peer-reviewed, but edited and curated section that contains other relevant material, such as, news, resources, correspondences, classroom and astronomical activities, to help circulate information among the community.


Current Issue

2024: Recently Published
					View 2024: Recently Published

A collection of recently published articles

Published: 2024-09-20

Astronomy Education Research

Astronomy Education and Practice

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